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Can Shrimps Live in Cold Water?



Can Shrimps Live in Cold Water?

Having these little critters walking in the substrate of your aquarium is a delightful sight. These crustaceans can clean your aquarium and help you in many different ways. Just pair them up with the perfect tank mates and they’re all set to live a happy life and clean your aquarium off of unwanted substances. Shrimps are hardy invertebrates and can adapt themselves to various circumstances and parameters. 

But can they live in cold water? Well, carry on to find out more about their tolerances regarding cold water. 

Can Shrimps Live in Cold Water? 

A straightforward answer to this will be yes. Shrimps can tolerate and live in cold water. Most of the shrimp such as red cherry shrimp, crystal red shrimp, ghost shrimp, dwarf shrimp, blue shrimp, bumblebee shrimp, bee shrimp, snowball shrimp, and marble shrimp can live in the cold water. Some shrimps can live in temperatures such as 57℉ to 64℉. 

The favored range of temperature might differ with the species of shrimp. Although most of the shrimps live in cold water. Therefore the average range of temperature for shrimps would be 71℉. This is the optimal temperature for the shrimps. 

Highest Temperatures that Shrimp can live in 

As you know, the average temperature for shrimp is 71℉, you must be curious about the highest temperatures they can live in. Well, shrimps can live in temperatures about up to 86℉.

Any degree above that range will be hard for them to handle, therefore making their life miserable. So they can handle temperatures up to 86℉. That’s the highest temperature for shrimp.

What will happen to a shrimp in High temperature? 

High temperature is somewhat beneficial to shrimps. As the temperature goes up, the shrimp becomes active, and their breeding process will be sped up.

Their diet also increases immensely, meaning they will grow faster than usual. Although, the high temperature is not always useful. In high temperatures, shrimps become susceptible to bacterial infections. 

Lowest temperature that Shrimp can live in

Most of the shrimps can tolerate low temperatures up to 57℉. But there is a limit to how low temperatures they can live in. The lowest temperature in which the shrimp can survive is 50℉. This is the average rate of low temperature that shrimp can handle. The lowest point of temperature differs with the species.

What will happen to shrimps in low temperature? 

It is perfectly fine for a shrimp to live at a low temperature. As most of the shrimps are accustomed to low temperatures and live in such conditions.

They will be free from the dangers of bacterial infections. Although low temperatures can reduce its breeding speed. They won’t grow quickly as well as in low temperatures their diet will reduce.

Do Shrimps prefer cold or warm water? 

Even though shrimps can live in cold water, they would rather live in warm waters. Shrimps should be kept in waters with temperatures around 68℉. They prefer warmer temperatures as their diet will be high, and they will be able to grow efficiently. Most importantly, their breeding will become optimal.

Shrimp Species that Live in Cold Water 

There are a lot of shrimps that can live in cold water. Some of them are red cherry shrimp, ghost shrimp, blue shrimp, snowball shrimp, bee shrimp, dwarf shrimp, crystal red shrimp, bumblebee shrimp, and amano shrimp.

Red Cherry Shrimp

These species of shrimp can live in temperatures up to 60℉. Although they shouldn’t be kept at such low temperatures. For their ideal growth and breeding, they must be kept in temperatures around 68℉ to 80℉. 

Ghost Shrimp

Ghost Shrimps can survive in temperatures of 64℉. Although they can survive in both colder and warmer temperatures. Ghost Shrimps do well in warmer temperatures similar to other species of shrimp. 

Blue Shrimp 

Blue Shrimps as well won’t find any problems living in cold temperature conditions. They can survive in a range of temperatures of 64℉ to 68℉. But if you want to breed them, the optimal temperature is 75℉. 

Snowball Shrimp

These shrimps can tolerate a wide range of temperatures. They can live in temperatures from 59℉ to 86℉. So you will find no problem keeping these freshwater shrimp in cold temperatures and warm temperatures as well. 

Bee shrimp 

Bee Shrimps prefer the temperatures of 69℉ to 78℉. They are freshwater species that might have warmer temperature preferences than the other shrimps but can tolerate colder temperatures as well. 

Dwarf Shrimp

Dwarf Shrimps can live perfectly at a temperature of 64℉. They won’t have any problems and have a hassle-free life. 

Crystal Red Shrimp 

Crystal Red Shrimps can survive in temperatures of 64℉. Although for their effective breeding they must be kept in temperatures such as 69℉ to 73℉. 

Bumblebee Shrimp 

Although the Bumblebee Shrimp can live in a lower temperature, the ideal range of temperature for them is 68℉ to 77℉. Within this range of temperature, they can breed without any delay and problems. 

Amano Shrimp 

Amano Shrimps tolerance to low temperatures can drop up to 50℉. But it is not ideal for them to live in this low temperature. The perfect temperature for them is 69℉ to 78℉.


Wrapping it all up, Shrimp can live in cold waters. Most species of shrimps can live in cold water. Although it is not right to keep them at a low temperature.

If exposed to low temperatures, their diet will decrease, and they won’t become as effective as it should be. The preferred and optimal water temperatures are what they should be kept in. They will have a perfect and a healthy life in optimal temperature ranges.

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