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How To Make Catfish Grow Faster? (6 Methods)



How To Make Catfish Grow Faster

Making Catfish grow faster has always been an issue with catfish farmers. Many people have been trying to grow their catfish grow faster as it is beneficial for them. There are a lot of things that you can do to make catfish grow faster. It is better to opt for natural methods to stimulate their growth rather than go for chemicals. 

There are various things you can do for that purpose. The best thing to do is to give them a proper diet and feed them regularly and consistently.

You also have to get the proper quality of fish, you must avoid all kinds of things that lead to stress and many more. You will have to keep their water in the best condition so that they don’t face any dangers to diseases. 

In this article, we will take you through various things you can go for to make Catfish grow faster. So let us move forward. 

How to make Catfish grow faster? (6 Methods)

Almost all catfish develop throughout their lives, however as they become older, the growth rate slows. Before they reach the juvenile stage, the pace of growth is relatively modest from fry to fingerlings.

The simplest technique to boost catfish growth and output is to feed them. If fed regularly throughout the warm months, a six to eight-inch catfish fingerling can attain a weight of one pound in six months as opposed to two to three years if not fed. 

1. Get proper fish 

Success or failure can be determined even before the fish is purchased. Avoid buying fingerlings and always request juveniles. This is because fingerlings are hard to nurture in juveniles and are susceptible to death. It is recommended that only seasoned catfish growers stock fingerlings.

The reasonably low cost is another factor that prompts catfish producers to buy fingerlings or fry.

When the majority of the stock dies, the profit from buying on sale soon decreases; buy just young stock instead. Another suggestion for choosing fish is to buy shooters from a catfish breeder. Fast-growing fish known as shooters are spawned simultaneously in a stock.

The fish farmer will recognize them since some of them are already twice as big as the stock. Shooters are more animated and have genetic traits favoring a quicker pace of growth, such as a high feed conversion rate.

2. Oxygenation

In a commercial pond, aeration is crucial for promoting quicker catfish growth. Follow a sensible stocking ratio so the fish have enough room to develop and utilize the dissolved oxygen.

If the pond is large enough, has high water quality, and has an appropriate stocking ratio, the amount of soluble oxygen in the water is sufficient for rapid development. 

3. Proper Diet and Feeding 

Protein is what makes and helps Catfish grow faster. Fish develop to enormous sizes thanks to the protein in their diets.

Fish meal, soybean meal, wheat flour, corn fine grind, and hydrolyzed feather meal are good for catfish. Additional ingredients include broken grains, wheat bran, bone meal, and fine fish oil.

If possible, add live feed to increase the growth speed. Maggots and earthworms are examples of living foods high in protein. 

At least twice a day is the recommended feeding schedule for quick development. Feed them in the morning and again in the evening, making sure the meal is protein-rich. 

4. Taking Proper Care 

Since water is a fish’s primary habitat, it serves several purposes, including supplying the dissolved oxygen needed for respiration, supplying food, acting as a medium for reproduction, and allowing for water outflow.

As a result, it is essential to continuously check the pH, dissolved oxygen, temperature, turbidity, and presence of contaminants in water.

For fish cultivation, water with a pH of 6.5 to 8.0 is considered typical, and it has to have 4 to 8 mg/liter of dissolved oxygen. 

5. Type of Pond 

Make sure the pond is suitable for fish development before filling it. Ponds of many kinds are utilized to produce catfish. There are ponds made of soil, blocks, concrete, plastic, and cages.

The block, concrete, or plastic pond is the greatest type of pond for easier maintenance in urban environments.

To change the water, ensure the pond has an input and an outflow. Make sure the outlet pipes are built so that fish cannot escape when the water is being changed

6. Prevention of Diseases 

Diseases are always a problem. They seep in no matter what. Stress is what leads to diseases and so there should be null occurrences by which the fish may undergo stress.

Changes in water characteristics might stress fish. It has been demonstrated that environmental stress can cause infectious disease epidemics.

The water in commercial fish ponds must then be regularly checked for temperature, dissolved oxygen content, pH, and when necessary, salinity. Only when fish are kept in environments that are adverse for the particular species can a wide range of bacterial, parasites, and other illnesses become a concern.


Here you go, some tips to make Catfish grow faster. As already mentioned before diet is the most important factor in speeding up the growth of Catfish. Give them protein-rich foods as it helps with their growth a lot.

Also, feed them twice a day and don’t miss out on any day. Proper feeding can speed up the growth of Catfish. You must also keep the water quality good and provide zero chances of then catching any disease.

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