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Polar Parrot Fish: Complete Care Guide



Polar Parrot Fish complete Care Guide

The Polar Parrot Fish also known as Polar Parrot Cichlids is a gorgeous cichlid species you can have in your aquarium. They go by several different names such as Hybrid Parrot Cichlid, Polar Blue Cichlid, and Polar Blue Parrot Cichlid.

These fishes are not natives of any waters of the earth, meaning that they have been created as a hybrid between two different species by man. The Polar Parrot Fish is a hybrid of Male Convict Cichlids and Female Blood Parrot Cichlids. 

These species of fish bear the features of the Convict and Blood Parrot Cichlids. Their body corresponds with that of Blood Parrot Cichlids. They have a round body and a mouth that appears to be sticking out. It has a white-colored body with black vertical stripes on top of it. They have a compact body.

All this makes this fish a gorgeous one and is a great addition to your aquarium. It comes with a package of low-maintenance, and these are hardy species of fish. Provide them with their preferred tank parameters and food, and they will do just fine. You don’t have to give them too much attention.

What is the Size and Lifespan of Polar Parrot Fish?

What is the Size and Lifespan of Polar Parrot Fish?

Polar Parrot Fish may grow up to 8 inches in length, and their look can be maintained throughout their whole lives.

 In terms of lifespan, the Polar Parrot Cichlids have a long one. Provide your fish with the best version of life, by giving them the correct care and food and they will live for about 8 years.

But as these are hybrid species of fish, their lifespan might be altered. So on average, the Polar Parrot Fish can live for about 6 years in an aquarium. Their gorgeous looks also stick with them for life and therefore their intriguing look sticks for life.

What is the Diet of Polar Parrot Fish? What do They Eat?

What is the Diet of Polar Parrot Fish? What do They Eat

In the criterion of feeding Polar Parrot Fish, the most important thing is giving them the type of food they can digest. As they have a compact body, they won’t be able to handle heavy foods.

Remember not to overfeed them as well. Overfeeding takes a huge toll on them and makes them unhealthy.

Their mouth is small, and therefore, they cannot eat large pieces of food. Therefore, you must feed them in balanced quantities and in small sizes.

Also, remember to give the type of food they can easily digest. You can give your Polar Parrot Fish small pellets, baby brine shrimp, and shrimp eggs. Remember all the food must be small-sized.

What the Best Tank Size for Polar Parrot Fish? 

What the Best Tank Size for Polar Parrot Fish

Having the proper tank size is important as the amount of space your fishes get to swim around determines the quality of life that they will live.

A 30-gallon aquarium is an optimum size for a Polar Parrot Fish. It’s big enough for a pair of Polar Parrot Fish.

The fish will have adequate room to swim about in the aquarium. You should increase the capacity of the aquarium by 10 gallons for each of these species you add.

What are the Best Tankmates for Polar Parrot Fish?

Polar Parrot Fish can be kept with species of fish such as Parrot Cichlids, Angelfish, Severum, catfish and Bristlenose Plecos. 

Are Polar Parrot Cichlids Aggressive? 

Polar Parrot Cichlids are peaceful and calm. They have to pair with similar temperament fishes in an aquarium. They might be peaceful, but they are not submissive. If other species show them aggression, they will fight for themselves. So keeping them with friendly species comes off as the perfect idea to maintain peace in an aquarium. They are not territorial as well. 

When reproducing, however, these fish become aggressive and lash out at their tank companions. As a result, the ideal option is to keep polar blue parrotfish away from their tank mates during breeding. It will assist them in being calm and joyful during their breeding time.

Care of Polar Parrot Fish

Polar Parrot Fish does not demand too much care. They don’t need to be given that high level of attention. Although you will have to maintain the water parameters and keep the water clean if you want them to have a healthy life. Read on to know about the preferred water parameters of this species of fish

Temperature and Water Parameters of Polar Parrot Fish 

The optimal temperature for Polar Parrot Fish is between 76 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit. They can tolerate a pH range of 6.4 to 7.5. Keeping the pH of the water around 7.0 is recommended.

The Polar Parrot Fish prefers soft water. As a result, the fish would thrive in water with a hardness of 2 to 25 dGH. If you maintain all these ranges of water parameters, then your Polar Parrot Fish will show its true colors most vibrantly and remain healthy.

Tank Setup for Polar Parrot Fish 

For Polar Parrot Fish, begin with the optimal tank size for them. The aquarium must include all the essential pieces of equipment. For substrates, you will have to use soft and finer ones.

The Polar Parrot Fish are acquainted with the behavior of digging the substrate.

So use a soft substrate so they don’t hurt themselves when digging.

You are advised to use dark-colored substrates so that you don’t have to clean them very often. You should also add caves as decoration in the aquarium. The Polar Parrot Fish use them for laying eggs, and hide whenever they are scared. You can also add plants to your aquarium.

With the presence of plants and caves, they will become jolly. Light is not a requirement in the case of Polar Parrot Fish.

Although if you want your Polar Parrot Fish to show off its beautiful colors you can add lights to the aquarium.

You also need to do water changes of about 30% every week. Maintain the water temperature, pH levels, and everything else, and your Polar Parrot Fishes will live to show off their colors. 

Filtration of Water

The Polar Blue Parrot Cichlids have a delicate and compact body structure which results in their fins being quite weak. This makes them unable to withstand harsh water conditions, as it can lead to damage to their fins and slow down their swimming abilities.

To improve your fish’s overall well-being and reduce their stress, consider installing an aquarium filter within their tank to promote a constant flow of freshwater. Be careful not to install a high-power filter, which may disrupt your fish’s swim and cause discomfort.

To ensure your fish aren’t stressed, choose an aquarium filter that works effectively but has a gentle flow. Avoid using a powerful powerhead filter that creates excessive water movement and is unsuitable for your fish. High-power filters can produce water with excessive pressure that may be harmful to compact fish species.

If you’re in the market for an aquarium filter for your fish, I recommend opting for a hang-on back filter. These filters regulate the flow rate to meet the needs of your fish and also create a gentle water flow. It’s the ideal choice for your fish tank.

Level of Difficulty in Fishkeeping

The polar blue parrot cichlids are impressively strong. They can handle challenging water conditions and even survive in poor water quality. However, if you provide them with a spacious aquarium and clean water, they will thrive with ease.

These fish are low-maintenance and don’t require constant attention. They are content to live in their own space and will eat the food provided to them. This makes them easy to care for and a good choice for beginners in fishkeeping.

Sexing Polar Parrot Fish 

Sexing Polar Parrot Fish 

Telling the difference between a male and a female Polar Parrot Fish is not difficult. Although while these species are young, it is not easy to do so. It is only after they mature, the characteristics stand out, and you can tell the difference. 

Male Polar Parrots are typically slimmer and have a larger physique. Females, on the other hand, have thicker bodies and are often smaller. Female Polar parrots are smaller and rounder than males.

The male fish has a crimson tail, while the female has a pale bluish fin. When the female fish is full of eggs, her stomach expands, and the color around her stomach changes to a vivid yellow or orange.

The male Polar Parrot Fish anal pore will be V-shaped, whereas the female Polar Parrot Fish will be O-shaped. The last characteristic by which you can tell the difference is during the breeding. The female lays the eggs and the males fertilize them.

Breeding Polar Parrot Fish 

Breeding Polar Parrot Fish is not that hard. They are one of the easiest species to breed. 

Their breeding process is as simple as it can get. The females will clean the surface where they wish to lay their eggs. They can lay 100 to 300 eggs. Though the quantity depends upon her age. The eggs have a translucent appearance. The male fish then fertilizes it. Fertilized eggs take on a deeper hue, whereas unfertilized eggs take on an opaque white hue. This procedure might take up to 12 hours to complete. Both parents take turns protecting the egg, and if there are any other fish in the aquarium, they will guard the eggs. Intruders are more aggressively attacked by female fish.

In around 2-3 days, the fertilized eggs will hatch. Because the newly hatched fry is so little, they will always stay in a group until they can swim independently. 

If you want to breed them in an aquarium, you will have to set up a separate breeding tank. Add caves to the breeding aquarium, and a thick substrate is not required. You can use a tank of about 30 gallons. The female will use the cave to lay their eggs. The filter also should not be strong. It should not create too much water disturbance. 

After the eggs hatch and the fry are born, you don’t have to take care of it too much. The Polar Parrot Fish are great parents, and take care of their babies and protect them effectively. They even protect the eggs vigorously. You feed the fry baby brine shrimp, and once they get a bit bigger, you can give them pellet food for fry. 

Common disease that can effect Polar Parrot Fish 

Well, diseases seep in no matter what you do. It is a given that you will slip out sometimes in terms of the water quality. Polar Parrot Fish can get diseases if the water parameters fluctuate and if the water quality goes bad. If your aquarium is under such circumstances then remedy it immediately. 

Below are some of the diseases that Polar Parrot fish can get affected:

  • Ich: Polar Parrot Fishes can get affected by Ich. This disease is mainly caused due to fluctuations in the water temperature. If your fish gets this disease they will develop white spots all over their body. Treating this disease is not difficult. You can raise the temperature of your aquarium or use garlic. Although if it has become severe you can go for treatments. 
  • Bloat : Hybrid fishes can get this disease easily. What happens in this disease is that your fish can’t digest food properly and therefore leading to constipation. Feeding your Polar Parrot Fish too much food that they can’t digest can lead to this problem. Treating this disease is easy. Avoid feeding your fish too much if they are suffering from bloat. The digestion will come back and happen slowly. You can also feed them boiled peas but remember to peel them.
  • Swim Bladder Disease: As Polar Parrot Fishes have a compact body. As they have small bodies, their organs will be arranged compactly. So this means that their swim bladder is compressed with other organs so which makes it susceptible to harm. If the swim bladder is injured it will make it harder for them to swim. It is hard to treat this disease, but it can be treated. There are medicines for this disease. You can increase the aeration in your aquarium, decrease the level of the water, maintain the water parameters and keep your tank clean to treat this disease.


The Polar Parrot Fish is elegant. Having this in your aquarium will certainly be of benefit. They are easy to care for and don’t need to be given too much attention.

Although don’t let the water parameters fluctuate or your fish can get diseases. Remember to feed them small-sized foods and give them food that is easy to digest. Watching them swim through your aquarium is surely captivating and they are sure to stand out in an aquarium.

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