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What Do South American Cichlids Eat?




Ever wondered where a lot of the fishes in aquariums come from?

They are from South America! One of the most amusing fish species from South America is the colorful cichlids. Cichlids are freshwater fishes from the Cichlidae family. Cichlids are found worldwide, but the most popular ones are found in South America and Africa.

They are the most sought fish currently because they come in so many different shapes, sizes, and colors. There are 1600 species of cichlids officially documented.

Although, it is estimated that there are about 3,000 species of Cichlids in the world. They are known for being aggressive and are always hunting for blood. Even the peaceful ones among them still retain some violent traits during spawning. Most of them are found in the streams of South America. The Amazon is home to most of the species.

The Dwarf Cichlids, the smallest South American Cichlids species, can be found hidden deep in the rainforest. Some other species may be able to survive in different waters and may even be seen in Central America.

The ideal setup for the South American Cichlids is a replica of their natural environment. Most species thrive in acidic water with a temperature between 25°c to 29.5°c. Hence, they need places to hide, the need for live plants, and driftwood in the water. Dark water is a must for some species. There must be sand in the aquarium as cichlids like to dig.

What Do South American Cichlids Eat?

Most the South American cichlids are opportunistic carnivores or piscivores (fish eaters). They eat insect larvae, worms, and fishes in the wild. Some may also eat mollusks, plant matter, and plankton.

They can be fed live foods, frozen and thawed preparations, algae, flake, and pellet meals. It is better to provide them two to three times daily in small quantities.

Feeding them in this manner will maintain the quality of the water for a more extended period. Vitamins and supplements added to their diets benefit all fish.

Types of Cichlids

South American Cichlids can be classified into Large American Cichlids, Dwarf American Cichlids, and other cichlids like the Angelfish, discus, and hybrids.

Angelfish, Discus, and Hybrid Cichlids

Angelfish and discus and crosses such as the Blood Parrot Cichlid and Flowerhorn Cichlid have some of the most distinctive bodily forms and brilliant colors. They have a wide range of gorgeous colors and patterns, making them excellent show specimens. They are generally calmer than other types of horned lizards, with Flowerhorn as an exception, who tend to be more peaceful.

Large American Cichlids

The large American cichlids are simply enormous. They make excellent specimens for a show tank. Besides being large, they have good behaviors and temperaments. They can become highly personable pets as they can get familiar with their owners.

Dwarf American Cichlids

Many small cichlids only grow to about 4 inches long. They have pretty color patterns. However, they tend to be shy and delicate. So only experienced aquarists are advised to care for them.

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