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The Best Compatible Tank Mates for Honey Gourami



Best Tank Mates Honey Gourami

If you want a beautiful ray of yellow color swimming along in your aquarium, then Honey Gouramis are the way to go. Honey Gourami is a popular species of fish among the aquarists, and are perfect for beginner aquarist as well.

These species are easy to care for as well which is one of the reasons for their popularity. But the easiness of care doesn’t mean for you to slack off. Creating a harmonious aquatic community involves more than just aesthetics; it requires a keen understanding of compatibility and cohabitation. 

In this article, we present you with a guide to the best tank mates for Honey Gourami. As every fish requires the best companionship for a peaceful life, let’s see what species are there in for Honey Gourami. 

What fish can I put with honey gourami?  

Honey Gourami
Image source – Aquarium Co-op

A healthy and peaceful environment is what every aquarium should have and for Honey Gourami, they are compatible with several fish species. But you must be wary while picking tankmates for them for they are peaceful fishes and prefer living with fishes of the same temperament.

Honey Gouramis will end up being harassed by aggressive tankmates and might even end up being food. Let’s see what fishes are the best tankmates for Honey Gourami.  

  • Cory Catfish  
  • Pearl Gourami  
  • Ember Tetras  
  • Guppies  
  • Bristlenose Plecos  
  • Sparkling Gourami  
  • Platies  
  • Mollies  
  • Zebra Danios 
  • Kuhli Loaches 

How many honey gouramis should be kept together?  

Honey Gouramis are peaceful and social fish, therefore, they do well in groups. In an aquarium, you should keep at least 5 to 6 Honey Gouramis together. In a group, Honey Gouramis will feel safe and won’t go under stress.  

Do honey gouramis get aggressive?  

Honey Gouramis do not get aggressive. They are peaceful and calm species of fish and show no signs of aggression. Instead, they become timid in the presence of aggressive species of fish and might get eaten by larger aggressive fish. 

Honey Gourami Tank Size  

For a single Honey Gourami, a tank of about 5 gallons is enough. Although as they are better when kept in groups of about 5 or 6, then you should have at least a tank of 30 gallons.  

Honey Gourami water parameter: Temperature and pH 

When it comes to water parameters for Honey Gourami, they prefer temperature between 74–82°F. As for pH, Honey Gouramis do well in between 6.0 to 8.0.  

Honey Gourami male vs female  

Differentiating between male and female of Honey Gouramis is not as difficult as some other fish species. But to tell the difference between a male and a female Honey Gourami, you need to wait for them to become adults. It is difficult or almost impossible to tell them apart when they are juveniles.  

A major difference between the male and females is their size. Male Honey Gourami are smaller than females and females are larger than males.  

Another way to differentiate is to look at their dorsal fin. Males have a longer dorsal fin and ends in a point. Whereas, females have a short dorsal fin and a somewhat rounded shape. 


If you own an aquarium, the choice of tank mates plays a pivotal role in shaping the dynamics of your aquarium ecosystem. For a peaceful fish like a Honey Gourami, you should keep them with gentle and peaceful fishes. With such species of fish, your tank will be blooming with harmony. We have listed the best tankmates for Honey Gourami in this article and choose one from them for the perfect aquarium. 

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